All UPI Payments accepted here! (Fees: 0%)

Scan this code using your UPI Payment Mobile App

Scan code using your any UPI Payments / BHIM app > give your order amount > complete payment!

FastTreck NetworksYou can Pay us using PayTM, PhonePe, Google Pay, PayZapp, Amzon Pay, BHIM, Mobikwik, Freecharge, True Caller and 100 other UPI apps!

Note: Once you send the Paytm Transfer, open a support ticket using In the email, include details of the Paytm Transfer order ID, your Customer Username, your Company Name, and Date of Transfer. Only when we receive this information from you, we will verify your transfer and credit your account appropriately. The Billing Team is only available between 10:00am IST to 6:00pm IST, Monday-Saturday (Working Days). If you have transferred funds to our Paytm Account after 5 pm, we will be able to respond to you only on our next business day.